Abstract :- Metal–Organic-Frameworks (MOFs) are highly tunable to design and functionalize, hence they are recognized as materials of interest in applied sciences. MOF-5 having formula (Zn4O13-(C8H4)3), is a well-known MOF due to its distinctive porosity and thermal stability. MOF-5 has a 3D structure comprising of terephthalic acid and Zn4O clusters. In the present study, the MOF-5 was synthesized using facile, ecofriendly one pot hydrothermal process at low temperature. The MOF-5 was characterized to assess intrinsic properties such as crystallinity, morphology, functional groups at surface sites, using techniques like UVDRS, FTIR, XRD and FESEM. The synthesized material was also verified for its photocatalytic activity towards dye degradation of methyl orange (MO). The synthesized material of MOF-5 displays excellent MO dye deprivation efficiency in a natural sunlight by facilitated photodegradation route.
Author :- Manisha A. Bora, Suhani Patel, Parag Adhyapak
Email:- bmanishabora@gmail.com
DOI : https://doi.org/10.59143/isas.jisas.3.3.NGDB1398 Pages :- 43-52